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How much do you love your students?
This morning, VFIS witnessed a very interesting reunion. The principal of an early childhood school came to visit her old students at VFIS.
Assessment at VFIS

The purpose of assessment is to guide and encourage learning and to develop students’ capability for self-assessment. For the most part, assessment takes place in the interaction between teacher and student. Assessment should be continuous and varied. Experiencing success encourages students to learn more, but mistakes and failures are also an important part of the learning process. Assessment is an integral part of instruction and is used in a manner that promotes
learning and is honest and respectful.

The three general areas assessed by teachers at VFIS are:

Orienteeing in P.E
 Orienteering teaches students about the benefits of knowing how to read a map and navigate in urban surroundings or in nature.
My passionate and unforgettable teachers
The daughter of an Australian mother and a Finnish father who met in Lesotho, I have been privileged as a birthright to learn two languages and travel the world.
Term-Time Holiday Fines are Under Review in Some Areas
Pellentesque placerat eget elit nec euismod. Mauris tempor cursus dolor. Ut dolor elit, ullamcorper quis ornare vel, congue id orci diam.
External Pressures Bring Changes to Higher Education
Pellentesque placerat eget elit nec euismod. Mauris tempor cursus dolor. Ut dolor elit, ullamcorper quis ornare vel, congue id orci diam.