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VFIS Studentds and commendable achievements in The International Kangaroo Math Contest 2020 

The International Kangaroo Math Contest (IKMC) is a prestigious contest in the world. The contest aims at broadening the interest in learning Math, specializing in developing critical thinking skills through multiple-choice questions and real-world content. The IKMC Vietnam 2020 was held with the participation of many contestants, including VFIS students with the commendable achievements below:



NGUYEN NGOC CAT TIEN, Class 2C with THE NATIONAL CHAMPION Prize (The contestant has the most correct answers at her grade level) & THE LONGEST JUMP Prize (The contestant has the most consecutive correct answers at her grade level).


NGUYEN NGOC AN, Class 4B with TOP 5% Prize (Top 5% of contestants with the highest score at his grade level)

Congratulations to CAT TIEN and NGOC AN!

We are very proud of you.

Hope you retain your passion for maths!