Come by and Say Hi to VFIS
On December 14, 2019, Vietnam - Finland International School held an Open Day called “Come by and Say Hi to VFIS.”The event was a chance for parents and students from outside to come and learn about our innovative school based on Finnish education right here in Vietnam with unique learning spaces, such as home economics classroom, technical and textile crafts classrooms, garden, rooftop running track etc.

The two workshops “Preparing your child for Grade 1” and “Overseas study: When, Where and How?” were part of the event. The workshops were chaired by the School Board and teachers at VFIS to provide visitors with information based on educational reseach as well as personal experience on these two topics.

In addition to introducing the school, the event was designed to give visitors the opportunity to meet experts from Finland, considered one of the best countries for education in the world. We hope that the event provided current and prospective parents with useful information about the best possible preparation for the children before entering First Grade or planning to study abroad.

If you were unable to attend the latest event or would like to visit the school again and talk with admissions staff, please register here: