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Nguyen Huynh Ngoc Khanh’s Speech in The End of School Year

Good morning VFIS Teachers, parents and students!

My name is Nguyen Huynh Ngoc Khanh, known as Myst, from 12B. 

I am deeply honoured to represent the VFIS students to give a speech at this meaningful event today.

First, I would like to say thank you to VFIS’s staffs and our beloved principal Ms Suvi for their contribution to make this school year the best it could be. Your understanding towards your students’ ambition, yet also continuous efforts to guide us toward the right path have given us a thriving environment and allowed us many windows of opportunity to shape who we are today.

What we achieved at VFIS is a collaborative effort not only from the staff, but also made possible by TDTU’s continuous support. We want to thank the staffs, professors and administration of TDTU. And especially the students of TDTU for contributing and accompanying us in numerous projects, without you, our traditions such as the Chess fest, Family day, Prom and many more would not have been possible.


Our deepest and most heartfelt gratitude goes to our parents. They have been a constant source of encouragement and our greatest source of pride. Through their unwavering sacrifice and unconditional love, our parents have supported us through every challenge and guided us to success in our educational journey. We will be forever grateful to our parents and keep them forever in our hearts.
Dear Student Grade 12, 

Now, let’s move to the main speech. Class of 2024, congratulations for coming this far along. We have survived a lot of challenges. 12A, I want to congratulate you guys for being the 2nd class of VFIS to have finished the IB. I wish you all luck in your next journey. 12B, I want to congratulate us for finishing our diplomas and wish us all the best for our upcoming national exams.
In the years I have spent here at VFIS. I want to mention how amazing our community is. We are so small, yet we are so big in heart that we don’t even know it. In the span of 3 years, I have seen over dozens of charity events run by the students, started by the students. I have seen small communities formed from one common interest such as sports like badminton, football, table tennis, chess. We are so small, but because we are so small; we connect with each other so well. 

Take a moment and think, what will you remember when you look back at the 3 years you have spent in high school? It will not be that time you failed at a subject, nor that time you’re late on a deadline. It will be the relationships you make, and the people who you connect with. Because at the end of the day, they are the ones who create memories with you.
Our grades will not define who we are, and I can promise you that. I know dreamers, those who wants to be fashion designers, entrepreneurs, artists, pilots and more. There are so many dreams that we must fulfil, and we can’t spend the time we have fulfilling other expectations. Point is, greatness can be something you’re born with or it can be something you make. But you will not achieve any greatness if you spend that time following a predefined path. 

Believe in your abilities and trust upon your own self and know that each one of us can have greatness in our grasps. Just don’t give up that hope until you make it. Remember like Lewis Howes said “Greatness is giving life outside of your comfort zone” 

Class of 2024 is coming to an end, as we are moving to a new chapter in life. While our experiences may be different, I hope you have enjoyed and made the most of the time you spent here in high school. And if you didn’t, I hope you’ll find that joy in your next chapter in life. Chase your happiness, for the first time in our lives, we will be on our own. 



In closing, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for everyone's attendance at this meaningful event.

I wish all teachers and parents good health, peace, and happiness. To our students, may you always carry the Sisu spirit to achieve great success on your learning journey ahead.

Thank you very much.