Ton Duc Thang University is ranked 163rd in the top 500 best universities in asia 2021
According to the results by QS Asia University Rankings, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) is ranked 163rd in the top 500 best universities in Asia.
This is an important achievement for the university. In 2019, TDTU first ranked in the 291st-300th group; 207th in 2020, and 163rd in 2021. It can be seen that the increasing growth in ranking over the past years shows that the development trend is sustainable.
QS Asia University Rankings by QS organisation (Quacquarelli Symonds, UK) has been established since 2009 and is published every year.
Consequently, the university has been recognised by Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) in the group 701st-800th in the top 1,000 best universities in the world; US News ranking organisation in 623rd among the top 1,500 best universities in the world. In addition, The University Impact Rankings acknowledged TDTU in the 301st-400th group of the most influential universities in the world and UI GreenMetric has granted the university as the 200th most sustainable universities in the world.